Sunday, March 13, 2005

More for Concordia Undergrads

From Anne Onymous (

Call out for an INDEPENDENT STRIKE GROUP around the student movement at Concordia

Monday, March 14th, 8pm at Q-PIRG (1500 deMaisonneuve W, suite 204)

- Meeting to discuss and coordinate a second General Assembly to address the student strike. If Charest won’t back down, then neither will we!

- A petition is circulating to call this GA for March 23 to resolve unfinished business from the last assembly. Folks need to organize and publicize this event.

Tuesday, March 15th, 2pm on at Le Frigo Vert (café space – 2130 MacKay)

- An afternoon of craft-making and organizing for Wednesday’s walkout. Help put together a chain gang and marching band for marches and picketing. Bring your ideas, instruments, and supplies! This is a gender inclusive space.

Wednesday, March 16th, All day, all over…

- Concordia on strike (one day walkout)! Picketing all day. March sometime in the afternoon (CFS-Q/CSU?)

- Marching band and chain gang rally together at 1pm, outside the Hall Building (deMaisonneuve and Mackay)

(an initiative of Autonomous Action Concordia)

(we are NOT a slate! we have nothing to do with anyone else's slates; at least a couple of us even think that slates are dumb.)


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