Thursday, March 17, 2005

McGill Undergraduates ON STRIKE!!

From zingaro{AT}riseup{DOT}net:

McGill undergraduates (more or less 17000 members) will be on strike this Friday. WE NEED YOUR HELP. We will do picketing. There will be one picket more artistic, one more musical and one with food. Come to help us please. There will also be a demo at 3.30pm from Roddick Gates (corner of McGill College and Sherbrooke)

Join us please.

Here is what has been voted today by a huge majority.

Whereas we, the undergraduate students of McGill University, believe that education is a public good that benefits society as a whole and therefore must remain public and accessible, regardless of ability to pay; and

Whereas the Quebec government's reforms to education – a 103M$ cut from the bursaries programme, a higher loan ceiling, a monthly loan payout policy, and projects to decentralize the CEGEP system and tailor it to the needs of private business - are reducing accessibility and threatening the public nature of education; and

Whereas McGill University currently charges international tuition fees above the limit set out by the government; and

Whereas all other options to renegotiate government policy have been exhausted and over 100 000 students are currently on strike;

Be it resolved that the SSMU officially endorse and support the student groups (both internal and external to McGill) that are on strike and the actions of March 16;

Be it further resolved that the SSMU call a 1 day strike in solidarity with the general unlimited student strike for Friday, March 18.


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